
Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is available to those seeking personal growth, skill building, and treatment of a variety of mental health diagnoses. Some reasons why people seek therapy include: anxiety, depression, life transitions, family changes, difficulties adjusting, work or family stress, trauma, school stress, social problems, and relationship and/or sexual intimacy difficulties. In the initial session, goals for treatment will be collaboratively identified and length and frequency of treatment will be discussed. Individual sessions are approximately 50 minutes and will focus on working through the goals identified for treatment.


A psychological evaluation will provide you with important information about your overall psychological functioning. A full evaluation helps to reduce chances of incorrect diagnosis so you may seek appropriate treatment, if necessary. There are many types of psychological evaluations, which vary depending on the issue you are interested in exploring. Many types of evaluations range from brief to those that are more comprehensive and provide broad, in-depth assessment and conceptualization of an individual’s functioning. An assessment entails conducting an initial clinical interview, administering psychological test(s), and having a feedback session that includes a report with results, findings, and recommendations.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is available for a variety of mental health and behavioral concerns. The benefit of group sessions is the collaborative approach between the therapist as well as other group members. Group therapy is an effective way to work towards treatment goals in place of or in addition to individual counseling. Group sessions last between 60-90 minutes depending on the particular group topic. There are typically between 8-12 participants in a group. Currently, no groups are available. However, please check back as groups will be added in the future.